Published on: Sunday February 23, 2020

Guto Owen, Director of Ynni Glân and co-ordinator for the establishment of the Wales Hydrogen Trade Association, sets-out the rationale behind setting-up the body in 2020.

“Green hydrogen is tomorrow’s oil”

This is according to the German Federal Government. Germany is set to launch its national hydrogen strategy in Spring 2020, which will provide the context for the next phase of its energy transition; and also provide a platform for full clean growth. 

Hydrogen is seen as pivotal, at scale and across all sectors of the economy to reach deep decarbonisation goals. Not only in Germany but across the world.

Hydrogen technologies have matured significantly in recent years, with resultant cost reductions. Hydrogen’s suitability as being essential for reaching deep decarbonisation, especially for difficult to treat sectors, is illustrated by, for example, the Climate Change Commission’s landmark Net Zero report (May 2019). The Net Zero report projects a massive increase of between 6-17GW in electrolysis capacity, the key technology for converting electricity to hydrogen and its derivatives (power-to-X) over the next 30 years, as Wales and the UK aims to meet 2050 climate goals.

Hydrogen technology is ready, to help reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality.

Wales has a strong resource, infrastructure, industrial and research base which can provide a platform for accelerating significant hydrogen projects through the 2020s and beyond. The Wales Hydrogen Trade Association can support such ambitions as a multi-sector, representative network and in support of emerging government and business focus in the area. We will also promote public interest in hydrogen through an active work programme.

Hydrogen can support the Welsh Government’s net-zero ambitions and, in particular, in the difficult-to-treat sectors of heat, transport and industry; for the benefit of homes, businesses and communities.

The full potential of renewables in Wales can be realised by splitting water to produce green hydrogen which can then be stored at-scale and for applications across the economy. Wales, with its considerable natural resources, has the opportunity to join the growing number of pioneering countries by accelerating hydrogen for environmental, health and economic benefits. 

As well as our core supporting organisations, we are reaching out across Wales and to international stakeholders in the hydrogen business community to forge bonds. The response has been very encouraging.

We welcome all interest as we look forward to helping advance the hydrogen economy in Wales through this pivotal decade ahead of us in the 2020s in deep decarbonisation and improving air quality.

